HazMatch® Apparel Selection Tool
Our selection tool helps you make informed decisions about protective apparel.

Start Using HazMatch® Online
Our HazMatch® selection guide lets you search by chemical or by fabric and easily match a garment that’s safe for your scenario.
Use HazMatch® online for a quick, accurate recommendation. Check back often to see the latest available results. And if you have a chemical that does not appear in the database, contact Kappler Customer Service at 1-800-600-4019 for details on our free chemical testing plan.
Begin Your SearchGet The HazMatch® App
HazMatch® is ideal for emergency responders, safety managers or other professionals dealing with hazardous materials.
The app contains a database of tested chemicals, which the user can search by either chemical name or CAS number. Once a chemical is selected, a user completes a short questionnaire on the hazard situation (such as level and length of exposure) and HazMatch will recommend a protective garment that matches the exposure criteria.
Sources for all chemical test data are independent laboratories. All tests were performed under laboratory conditions and not under actual use conditions. Tests were performed on material samples, not actual garments. All chemicals tested at >95% concentration and 75° F, unless otherwise specified.